TS auto mock
HomeInstallationCreate mockCreate mock listCreate hydrated mockRegister mockExtensionTypes supportedTypes not supportedConfigDebugCacheBetweenTestsFeaturesFilesPerformanceDefinitely TypedLocal development


interface TsAutoMockOptions {
debug: boolean | 'file' | 'console';
cacheBetweenTests: boolean;
features: TsAutoMockFeaturesOption[];
export type TsAutoMockFeaturesOption = 'random';


debugfalseit will NOT log to the consolefalse
trueit will log to the console
fileit will log to a file (tsAutoMock.log)
consolealias for true
cacheBetweenTeststrueit will reuse mocks between different teststrue
falseit create new mocks for each different tests
featuresfeature[]it will enable a specific feature[]
filesstring or string[]it will include only the files matched"*/"

There are different ways to pass options to a transformer, every installation type has its own way, to know how to do it find your configuration in the Installation page.


We currently support:

  • Logs for not supported types

It will log any not supported type automatically converted to null. This is useful to report an issue or to investigate a potential bug.


One of the main functionality of ts auto mock is to generate mocks and cache them.

Mocks are currently created in the test file making tests to depend to each other.


  • test1.test.ts has a createMock of Interface.
  • test2.test.ts has a createMock of Interface.
  • test1.test.ts will have the registration of Interface mock
  • test2.test.ts will have a registration import.

If test2 run in a different context than test1 it will not be able to access to the same mock.

Set this property to false when your test run in different context.

We are working on an issue to make sure tests do not depend to each other but they will still take advance of a cache system


We currently support the following features

Random ('random')

When adding random to the feature list any string, boolean and number will be transformed to a random values



interface WithString {
prop: string;
createMock<WithString>() // { prop: 'propQsdeos'}

The name of the property will be prepended following 6 random character



interface WithNumber {
prop: number;
createMock<WithNumber>() // { prop: 5000.213123}

A random number will be generated between -10000 and 10000



interface WithBoolean {
prop: boolean;
createMock<WithBoolean>() // { prop: true|false}

true|false will be random


To reduce the compilation time you can tell to the transformer the files that contain createMock, createMockValue and registerMock, all the other files are going to be ignored by the transformer.

The value of this configuration is a glob or array of glob, the same type of matcher present in tsconfig when defining include, exclude and files properties.

Examples of usage:

files: "**/*.spec.ts"
| Structure | Included?
| -------------------------------------------- | ---------
| root |
| └── Projects |
| └── SuperProject |
| ├── tests |
| │ └── feature1 |
| │ ├── supporting.mock.ts | No
| │ ├── supportingInterface.ts | No
| │ ├── feature1.spec.ts | Yes
| │ └── feature1.spec.ts | Yes
| └── src |
| └── feature1 |
| ├── myClass.model.ts | No
| ├── myClass.api.mock.ts | No
| ├── model.interface.ts | No
| └── feature1.component.ts | No
files: ["**/tests/**/*.spec.ts", "**/tests/**/*.mock.ts"]
| Structure | Included?
| -------------------------------------------- | ---------
| root |
| └── Projects |
| └── SuperProject |
| ├── tests |
| │ └── feature1 |
| │ ├── supporting.mock.ts | Yes
| │ ├── supportingInterface.ts | No
| │ ├── feature1.spec.ts | Yes
| │ └── feature1.spec.ts | Yes
| └── src |
| └── feature1 |
| ├── myClass.model.ts | No
| ├── myClass.api.mock.ts | No
| ├── model.interface.ts | No
| └── feature1.component.ts | No